Sunday 6 September 2015

User interface: is a system that allow the user to interact (command) with the computer.
There are 2 types of the user interface:

  • Graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Command line interface (CLI)
Graphical user interface (GUI)

GUI is quite easy to use due to the visual nature interface, but this type of user interface use up a lot of power, so the computer must be quite powerful.

  • Windows - regions of the screen use to display information (operating system e.g window XP)
  • Icons - small pictures used to represent folders and software...
  • Menus - lists of options that user can select from
  • Pointer - arrow that used to select icons or menus or other things and it also can move around the screen

GUI is sometime called WIMP
Command line interface (CLI)

  • User will see the black screen 
  • Need to type in the commands to make anything happen e.g. To copy a text file called NOTES from a floppy disc to the hard drive the user would have to type:
  • Need to learn the whole set of commands 
  • There is no visual clue to tell you what to do next!?
  • It is quite difficult to use

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