Sunday 7 February 2016

The effect of using IT

Effects of IT on Employment

i) A reduction of employment in offices, as workers’ jobs have been  replaced by computers in a number of fields

  •  Technology directly substitutes human muscle power and, in so doing, raises productivity and shrinks employment.
  • In 1871, 6.6% of the workforce of England and Wales were classified as agricultural labourers. Today that has fallen to 0.2%, a 95% decline in numbers.

ii)An increase in employment in other fields

  • In UK medicine, education and professional services – technology has raised productivity and employment has risen at the same time.

Productivity in the United State; jobs growth

Analysis of the UK Labour Force Survey from the Office for National Statistics suggest the number of these workers soared from 29,743 to 300,201 between 1992 and 2014.
    •  580% increase in teaching and educational support assistants
    •  183% increase in welfare, housing, youth and community workers
    • 168% increase in care workers and home carers
  • On the other hand, there was a
    • 79% drop in weavers and knitters from 24,009 to 4,961
    • 57% drop in typists
    • 50% drop in company secretaries

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